Earn Ph.D in art history. Unable to find job in your field, work at Starbucks. Never miss a day of work. After 11 years, cut $623 from your student loan of $77,492.
Go to Poor Farm. |
Become systems analyst. Never miss work. Down-sized. Leave with two-month severance package and "Dilbert" cartoons. Go back to start. |
Start dot-com selling gourmet pet food. Never miss work. Become billionaire at IPO. Buy estate overlooking Pacific. Lose everything after 18 months. Move in with parents. Go back to start. |
Marry and devote life to raising four children. Do housework every day for no salary. Never miss a day's work. Never hear "Thank you" but listen to spouse and kids go on about Cal Ripken's work ethic. Go back to start. |
Move to U.S. and work as hotel maid. Clean up after millionaire CEOs and traveling athletes who rarely leave tips. Despite juggling two jobs, never miss a day of work. Get fired when you try to start a union. Go to Poor Farm.
Teach unmotivated kids for low salary. Never miss work. Lose six turns and get laid off when voters approve $500 million for a ballpark but reject school levy. |
Take job in coal mine. Never miss a day of work. Develop black lung disease. Die at 57. Owe your soul to the company store. Go back to start. |
Pour life savings into cattle and dairy farming. Milk cows every morning at 4 for 25 years. Never miss a day of work. File Chapter 11 when foot and mouth disease hits. Go to Poor Farm.
Sign with Orioles. Spend career in minors, working assorted winter jobs. Begin low-paying coaching career. Never miss work. Finally get big-league managing job at 57 on sons' team. Get fired six games into season. Go to Poor Farm. |
Reach majors at 20. Never miss a game. Earn $5 million annually. Retire at 41. Advance to Millionaire Acres, enter Hall of Fame and live happily as hero for work ethic. |
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