| | | Hey kids! Are you being sure to do your summer homework in between enjoying the fresh summer air by playing Nintendo? Test to see whether you need to log onto ESPN.com more often by taking our weekly news quiz!
1. Fearing the potential long-term effects, this week authorities banned the use of Viagra for?
|  | Shawn Kemp |
A. Irish greyhounds
B. Shawn Kemp
2. What odd site, formerly a symbol of unspeakable horror, will soon be taken over by the National Park Service to run as a tourist attraction?
A. Cleveland's old Municipal Stadium
B. Atlanta's Gold Club
C. A Minuteman II missile silo near South Dakota's Wall Drug
D. The Massachusetts factory where they produced Fenway Franks for 87 years
3. Who are the ATP top 25-ranked tennis players still entered in Wimbledon and who are international terrorists?
A. Juan Carlos Ferrero
B. Yevgeny Kafelnikov
C. Sean Miller
D. Armad Clement
E. Guillermo Coria
F. Dominik Hrbaty
G. Ahmed Ressam
H. Gunther Bock
I. Hicham Arazi
4. Saying that it is a terrible influence on impressionable children who will copy their heroes, German authorities recently proposed a ban on:
A. players spitting and blowing snot through their nose while playing soccer
B. playing soccer
5. A Fort Worth, Texas, teenager rode his bike into a Taco Bell drive-thru this week, demanded that the employees hand over all their money and make him a chalupa. He must have done this because:
A. He was really hungry.
B. He was really stupid.
C. He was really hungry and really stupid.
D. The Mavericks haven't scored 100 points in weeks.
6. Who did the Cardinals call up from AAA Memphis this week?
|  | Rick Ankiel |
A. Stubby Kaye
B. Stubby Clapp
C. Stumpy Wood
D. Rick Ankiel
7.Hall of Fame inductee Dave Winfield has started a telephone service that allows fans to call up retired baseball players and:
A. Listen to them tell colorful stories about their careers.
B. Pay $3.95 a minute to be personally told to take a hike.
ANSWERS: 1, A; 2, C; 3, Ferrero, Kafelnikov, Clement, Coria and Hrbaty are ranked No. 3, 6, 8, 12 and 18, respectively, in the ATP, Miller and Bock are terrorists from Tom Clancy novels, Ressam recently was convicted of terrorism in the Millennium bomb plot and hasn't won a grass court tournament in years; Arazi is entered at Wimbledon but not ranked in the WTA's top 25; 4, A; 5, All of the above; 6, B; 7, A.
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