
Former Razorback runner slowed by rain in British Grand Prix meet

SHEFFIELD, England -- Former Razorback sprinter Tyson Gay
has claimed another victory on the international track scene by
winning the 100-meter dash Sunday in the British Grand Prix meet.

But Gay's time in the event was his slowest winning time of the
year, as heavy rain fell to slow everybody down. Gay failed to
break 10 seconds, finishing in 10.13.

He got nowhere near the world record he wants to take from rival
Asafa Powell. Gay won the 200 at the Athletissima Grand Prix in
Switzerland last Tuesday, but hadn't run the 100 since a
9.84-second performance at the U.S. track and field championships
last month.

"I don't think my body was ready to run fast yet because I've
not done any speed work for three weeks," Gay said. "Having to go
from the gun, my muscles weren't really warmed up properly."

Gay, who has never won a medal at a major championship, has a
little more than a month to prepare for his first expected race
against Powell at the world championships in Osaka, Japan. Powell
has twice run the 100 in 9.77.