The Island of Misfit Athletes
Page 2 staff

Busted and malfunctioning toys from Santa's workshop aren't the only things to be banished to an island. Page 2 has found a previously undiscovered island of "misfit athletes" in the South Pacific. Check it out, but beware: It's a darn scary place.

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Tickle-me-Turley: It looks like a cuddly sort, but don't dare touch him or he'll fly off in a rage and start throwing your other toys around.

Carleverettasaurus: Kids love toy dinosaurs, but not this prehistoric beast who picks fights and doesn't even think he existed.

Hot-Headed Tony Wheels: When this hot rod isn't battling with the big shots, he's playing bumper cars with the rest of your collection.

Tickle-me-Turley: It looks like a cuddly sort, but don't dare touch him or he'll fly off in a rage and start throwing your other toys around.

Officer Not-So (Poly)nice: Don't play with this toy cop on the highway.

Cowboy Ryan: Yippee-ay-oh-no, this gunslinger fires insults and berates both fans and reporters.

Terry-In-A-Box: Pops out when you don't want him. But when you turn his crank, he'll sulk and refuse to come out and play.

O'Leary's Truth Or Consequences: Press a button to hear any number of tall tales -- "I never lost a game at Notre Dame ..."