It's been seven days since Opening Day at the Spa. Time for a much-needed exercise in positivity.
The Dogwood Dominion Award luncheon, 17 years of chicken salad and sherbet, jazz ensembles at the Reading Room, silks and late morning cocktails and subdued conversation in the shade of a big white tent, took place today.
The award, brainchild of Cot and Anne Campbell, gives $5,000 and a bronze statute of the Campbell's gutsy old stakes winner Dominion to an unsung hero of the racing industry. Mary Lee-Butte, this year's honoree, proved her worthiness with an acceptance speech that earned a standing ovation from the genteel crowd.
"All of us who love racing need to commit to another race -- the race to make a difference," said Lee-Butte. "There's no reason for today's headlines to become tomorrow's headlines. I will not allow privileged folks to turn a blind eye to the problems in this industry. We can't change something we don't acknowledge."
Lee-Butte is executive director of the Blue Grass Farms Chaplaincy, a woman known for her passion for helping more than 1,500 Kentucky horse farm workers and their families each year. She was selected from more than 30 nominees by judges Anne Campbell, Jay Hovdey, and Todd Pletcher.
"In a state whose Thoroughbred industry is currently sort on good news, the Blue Grass Farm Chaplaincy is a shining star -- an extraordinary program which helps on many different levels the sometimes invisible farm employee," said Cot Campbell. "Mary is the epitome of what the Dogwood Dominion Award stands for& she has always appreciated and understood the hard work and dedication it takes to make a living in our industry."
This little gathering is the most anticipated event of the season for me -- a chance to focus on the positive. Walking back to the races, I felt refreshed and inspired. Giving of ourselves to make a difference, no matter how small, is so important!
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