Here are some playoff notes and observations, as I check in from my home office:
• First, a little fact about last night: The road team won all four games, marking just the eighth time in Stanley Cup playoff history that the visitors went 4-for-4 in a day.
• The understatement of the evening came from Phoenix Coyotes coach Dave Tippett, speaking after his club fell into a 3-0 series hole against the Detroit Red Wings last night. "We probably couldn't have asked for any worse of a start," said Tippett, referring to the fact that his team fell behind 2-0 in the first 2:41 of the game. Well, I guess it could have been 3-0.
• Going back to the franchise's days in Winnipeg, the different management groups have embraced the "white out" tradition. Perhaps it's time to put a stop to that. Clearly, it hasn't been a good luck charm. The Winnipeg/Phoenix franchise hasn't won a playoff series since 1987. And there's something else to consider. In days past, the home team wore white -- thus, why the idea of a "white out" makes sense. For the last several years, however, teams have worn their dark jerseys at home.