• Dan Jenkins in the house

  • By Wright Thompson | April 7, 2011 10:47:03 AM PDT

AUGUSTA, Ga. -- Dan Jenkins is in the media room. In honor of my sportswriting idol, I give you the first paragraph of "You Gotta Play Hurt":

"Here's how I want the phony little conniving, no-talent, preppiewad [bleep!] of an editor to die: I lace his decaf with Seconal and strap him down in such a way that his head is fastened to my desk and I thump him at cheery intervals with the carriage on my Olympia standard. I'm a stubborn guy who still works on a geezer-codger manual anyhow, so I write a paragraph I admire, the kind he likes to [bleep!] around with, especially if it's my lead, then I slip the carriage at him, and whack -- he gets it in the temple, sometimes the ear. Yeah, it would be slow, but death by typewriter is what the [bleep!] deserves."


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