
Thursday Vidiot

Stefan Janoski backside flips a Sacramento hip in the "Origin" outtakes. screengrab

We kick this week's audiovisual roundup off with the Dekline team including Nick Merlino, Austin Stephens, Ben Gore, Diego Bucchieri, Chad Tim Tim, Jordan Taylor, Pat Burke and Matt Bennett in this montage.

Habitat skateboards has some "Origin" video outtakes with Guru Khalsa, Stefan Janoski and Austyn Gillette here.

Felix Arguelles, Manny Santiago, Luis Tolentino and the entire Famous Stars and Straps skate crew put it down in their video, "Everywhere We Go." Now you can watch the entire video online. It's worth the viewing for Tolentino's part alone.

Vans and Anti Hero veteran pro, Jeff Grosso sends out a visual love letter to the Badlands, home of the original Combi Bowl and it's resident ruler, Steve Alba here.

Barry Mansfield gets introduced to Stacks skateboards with a clip that oozes style and casual street cool here.

Finally, Zoo York and Emerica pro Brandon Westgate puts it down and holds down a very grown-up lifestyle in Wareham, Massachusetts. Check out Westgate's history and home life in parts one and two of his "Epicly Later'd."