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 Thursday, March 30
Chat wrap: Shea Ralph, Helen Darling
 Kodak All-America team members Shea Ralph and Helen Darling stopped by to chat with users minutes after being named to the team on Thursday.

Ralph, a guard/forward for Connecticut and Darling, a senior guard out of Penn State, both had incredible seasons that have culminated with their teams earning a spot in the Women's Final Four.

In case you missed the pair's chat session, the following is an edited transcript.

Stacy: First off, congrats. No question you're both deserving of the honor. But I was wondering if you were surprised anyone was left off the team, especially centers Ruth Riley, Summer Erb or Andrea Garner?

Shea Ralph: There are a lot of great players in America and to choose 10 is a tough job. But I think they did a great job of choosing and I'm just happy to be on the team.

Heather: Shea: I am so happy to see that you finally made it to the Final Four! You really deserve it, especially after all the hard work you put into your rehab (two acls)! Good Luck!

Shea Ralph: Thank you! I owe it all to my coaches, teammates and trainers. Without them, I would never be where I am now.

jc: What do you do right before the game??? How do you get ready for the game???

Shea Ralph: I'm a country music fan so I listen to it on the radio or on my cd's. I take a shower and blow dry my hair and focus on what I need to do to win.

john b.: How do you like living in Storrs? It's so small!!

Shea Ralph: If you know how to make your own fun then you will be fine. But it is different for me because we get a lot of added attention and we always have something to do.

timo: How do you stay focused on the game with all this other stuff going on, awards, interviews, etc.?? I would think it would be really hard.

Shea Ralph: It is hard to focus. But we face a lot of times in practice and on the road where we have to concentrate to do well. Having a tough road schedule this year has really helped us prepare for the Final Four.

Jessica: Shea, I absolutely love you and how tough you are! What is it like being with Svetlana and all of the rest of your teammates off the court?

Shea Ralph: We have a whole lot of fun as a team off the court. Most of my teammates think they are comedians and we are always playing pranks on each other. Now we are becoming movie buffs too.

billy: Hey Helen! Knowing that your coach waited 24 years to get to the Final Four, how much does it mean to be on the team that finally got there?

Helen Darling: It's very special. Coach definately deserves it and I'm really happy to be a part of the team that made history. I will never forget this class. From the beginning she always said this class was special and that we would be the team to take her here. To actually do it is amazing.

timo: This is for Helen. Since Dre is from Philly, how much does it mean to you to see here get to play at home in the Final Four?

Helen Darling: Dre is very determined and has been saying all season that she wanted to go home. I think it helped us. We didn't focus on it too much but it was in the back of our minds. To bring one of our top notch players back home is special.

emily: How do you grab so many rebounds when you are only 5'7"? What's up with that?

Helen Darling: I think I have just taken what teams have given me. Some teams don't respect my jump shot or maybe they would rather me take the shot because I haven't been that consistent. But I have been fortunate that the shots have been going in. As for rebounding I have always been a great rebounder. My teammates have done a great job of boxing out and the rebounds I usually get are by chasing down loose balls.

Darien Siddall: Hi Helen, congrats on being an All-American. Did playing in the Big Ten really prepare you well for the NCAA Tourney?

Helen Darling: The Big Ten has a lot of tough teams. Even Ohio State, which is in the lower half of the league, is a great team and always took us to the wire. In every Big Ten game we had to bring our A game everytime or else anybody else in the league could knock us off.