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 Wednesday, March 22
'We won't overlook anyone'
Desiree Francis
Francis was the first-ever Kodak All-American pick from Kirkwood Community College.

Iowa St. is in the Sweet 16 for the second straight season and much of it has to do with the play of Desirée Francis. Francis sank three straight 3-pointers in a tough matchup with Illinois to set up the Cyclones regional game against No. 2 seed Penn St.

While preparing for Saturday's matchup, Francis stopped by to chat with users about her season, her injury and what it was like trying to play basketball with the guys in the West Indies.

"Sometimes I would sit under the basket when they wouldn't let me play or I would play by myself," says Francis. I had to earn my spot on the court."

In case you missed Francis' March 21 chat, the following is an edited transcript. And for more on the Cyclones, check out Iowa State's official athletic site.

Carol: Are you experiencing pain in your broken hand when you play?

Desirée Francis: A little pain. I just have to play through it and try not to think about it. It's not stopping me from playing but I just have to play through it.

Chris: Coming out of junior college, you were a very highly touted recruit. What made you decide that Iowa State was the right program for you? Also, how difficult was it to adjust to the Big 12 style of basketball? Good luck the rest of the year!!!

Desirée Francis: They were the first to recruit me. They have always kept in contact with me and offered more of a family-type atmosphere. Once when there was a hurricane at my home, they called to make sure my family was OK and that really touched me. It wasn't all just about basketball.

Kansas Cyclone: I'm an ISU grad hoping to see you play this weekend. How much of an advantage do you think playing in Kansas City will be for you guys?

Desirée Francis: I think it will be big. We have a lot of fans who will come down. It's not a far drive for them. This week I think it will be more exciting. The fans will be even more excited than we are. Some of them take time off from work and it shows their true support. Plus it's on a Saturday and that will help also. Our fans are always behind us 100 percent.

Cindy: So what really happened before the second half of the Big 12 tourney championship?

Desirée Francis: We just talked about how we have to communicate better and stick together as a team. When the game is over, we just want to be able to look in the mirror and know we gave our best. It worked out for us and we won by playing as a team.

Richpr: You starred at the junior college level at Kirkwood Community College before you transferred to Iowa State. What did that experience teach you, and would you recommend the JC route for other players?

Desirée Francis: I think it taught me to be more mature. When I first got to Kirkwood, I learned you have to be dedicated in everything you do. I know now that you have to listen to people and pay attention to the people that have been there before you. I listen to everyone's opinion and evaluate myself a lot now. I ask a lot of questions of my coaches and teammates. That has helped me tremendously at Iowa St.

Skippy: How much has the development of Lindsey Wilson helped this team this year?

Desirée Francis: I think it helped a lot. She has done a great job and has just sparked the team and got us excited. We knew she was going to be an emotional spark to the team and she has made a huge impact. She still has alot to learn but she has been a big help.

Rich: What's up with you girl? How have you boosted your season scoring average for the postseason? Are you just getting more looks because of the defense other teams are slapping onto Stacy Frese and Megan Taylor or have you started drinking special orange juice?

Desirée Francis: I am not drinking anything! I think it is my senior year and I realized I needed to be a leader. I stay after practice a lot and I've been getting a lot of different looks. I can play both inside and outside so it leaves a lot of open spaces for me. They don't come out to the 3-point line to guard me.

Ann Baldwin: Who were your role models growing up? What made you decide on Iowa State University? Good Luck against Penn State! Go Cyclones!

Desirée Francis: My dad because he never went through high school and because he had to support his family. He always worked hard for everything he had. He just taught me to work for everything and that nothing is handed to you.

Sue: Are there going to be WNBA scouts in Kansas City, and how would playing for the WNBA be different than playing for Iowa State?

Desirée Francis: I don't know if they will be there. They might be. It would be a different level. I think it would be wonderful because it is an opportunity for me and the university to make it as a professional. It would be a wonderful feeling for me because I have worked so hard and it would be a great payoff. It would be a wonderful gift for me.

Doug Dzurko: You grew up in the West Indies, did kids, especially girls, play much basketball, or sports alone?

Desirée Francis: We played a lot of sports but growing up the guys would take over the basketball court. They told us to play tennis or something. I didn't have any brothers to play with so I would play with my cousins and I really enjoyed it. I played basketball with the guys. Sometimes I would sit under the basket when they wouldn't let me play or I would play by myself. I had to earn my spot on the court.

Gary: You will be very hard to replace next year. I don't see anyone stepping in and taking over for you! Who do you see on the team trying to fill your shoes? Good luck - remember win or lose we all will stand behind our team!

Desirée Francis: I can't say because I don't know who's coming in. Megan will be good to step up in that position. She might not be as tall but she can go in and out and she is quick enough to beat anybody to the basket. She is just so quick. I think she will step up in that area.

Steve Pohl: Do you feel that this year's team is capable of pulling off a huge upset like it did last year vs. UConn?

Desirée Francis: I think so. It all depends if we are ready to play. If we play like we have been, we can do anything. If we stick together as a team, and with the fans behind us, I think we can do a lot. We won't overlook anyone and we won't give up until the last second.

Thanks to everyone who asked questions. Sorry I couldn't answer them all! Thank you for all the support.


Iowa State's official athletic site