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 Thursday, November 11
What every coach wants
 Courtside, Geno Auriemma doesn't always appear to be the most laid-back person. Of course, when you're coaching one of the top teams in the country, it makes sense that he'd be a little fired up.

 Geno Auriemma
Auriemma and the Huskies were 29-5 last season.

But when the Connecticut women's college basketball coach stopped by to chat Wednesday, Auriemma was particularly nonchalant about the thing most folks wanted to talk about.

When asked how he felt about his Huskies being ranked No. 1 in just about every poll out there, Auriemma said, "Well, I guess somebody has to be, and it might as well be us."

Don't be fooled, though. Auriemma, who led UConn to the national title in 1995, also appreciates the thought, and knows it's a long road ahead to Philadelphia, site of the 2000 Final Four.

"Obviously I just expect us to work hard and get better every day," he said. "That's what every coach wants."

If you missed Wednesday's chat, which also featured Shea Ralph, check out the edited transcript below.

Eliot B.: Geno, how do you feel about being ranked #1 in the preseason? What do expect from the team in the coming months? Good Luck with your upcoming season!!! Go Huskies!!!

Coach Auriemma: Well, I guess somebody's got to be No. 1, and it might as well be us. I think it's justified in some respects because last year, before we got hurt, we were playing like the No. 1 team in the country. And I think people remember how well we were playing before we got those injuries.

Obviously I just expect us to get better, work hard every day and get better. That's what every coach wants, but we're still kind of a young team at times. In an exhibition game this season, we had four sophomores and a freshman on the floor. They have some more growing up to do and they will throughout the season.

We have a very difficult season and I'm looking forward to it. Jason: Your thoughts on the Pepperdine Waves?

Coach Auriemma: They're pretty good. Everybody we play this year is pretty good. The best part about it is that we're going to go out there and play them.

Our schedule is unbelievable. We've got Tennessee twice, Rutgers twice -- both of them are in the top five -- and then UCLA, La. Tech, Penn State, Illinois, Notre Dame -- we've got nine games off the top of my head that are top 15 teams. It's a very difficult schedule but one we can't wait to play.

Geno: Asst. Coach Chris Dailey could be a head coach at practically any Division I University... How much does she play into your success, and how have you managed to keep her in Storrs?

Coach Auriemma: I agree. That's a very accurate description. She's at some point going to want to leave, but maybe now, she has so much input into what we do that she has all the benefits of being a head coach without the pressure. She likes it that way.

Jeffperado: Auriemma, I have the highest respect for your coaching. What I would like to know is what you thought about the exhibition game between the Lady Vols and the USA national team?

Coach Auriemma: It was a double-edged sword for me. It's great that a college team can beat the national team. On the other side, I don't think our national team should be losing to college teams. But they have the bulls eye on their back, went in to play a team of Tennessee's caliber. And then Tennessee played great and it's a good sign of how far the college game has come.

Shea Fans in NC: Will you be scheduling a game in NC during Shea's senior year. Her fans in NC would like to see the Huskies play a game in NC. The Fayetteville Crown Coliseum would be a great place.

Coach Auriemma: Well you know, we're trying to schedule a game in N.C., but some of those schools won't return the game up here. I think Duke, NC State, Wake Forest ... some team like that might make it happen. We're going to try to do it.

Josh: Coach, who do you feel are the up-and-coming programs in the Big East are? Obviously BC is one of them, but what about the others? Pittsburgh and Villanova seem to be taking great strides towards the top of the conference.

Coach Auriemma: This is the strongest the conference has ever been. You've got two teams in the conference that have been picked No. 1. We've been No. 1, and so has Rutgers. Then Notre Dame is a top ten team. It's been a slow and steady progress, but I would say our conference is second to none right now. I thought last year was a breakthrough season for Boston College. They not only got to the NCAA Tournament, but did well. I would expect them to go back.

Becky: What's the deal with Keirsten Walters? When will she be able to start practicing?

Coach Auriemma: I don't know how to answer that question. We're going to have another look at the knee and see what we can do. We don't have any time table. We're going to try as much as we can to get her back ... but if we can't and she has to have surgery, then she's done for the season. Only time will tell.

Jermaine Womack: Coach Auriemma, what's different about this team than your previous?

Coach Auriemma: I've got to say that there's a lot more quickness. We're quicker than we've ever been. We've got probably more versatility than we've ever had. We have more athletic ability than we've ever had. So we're deeper, more athletic, and it's just a combination of experience, youth ... a good mix. We're just young at the point guard spot, that's the only thing that worries me.

Arctic Husky: How has your relationship with Jim Calhoun changed after last season? Do you think that you'll finally become friends with him now that the men's program has caught up to the women's in terms of national prominence?

Coach Auriemma: I don't think we'll ever be buddy-buddy friends. I go my way, he goes his. He's done an unbelievable job and I really admire their ability to consistently have great teams. It's like anyone else I work with ... I can admire their work and not have to be friends with them.

husk: What do you think of the Hartford Hawks' new coach (Jennifer Rizzotti)?

Coach Auriemma: I love her. I had a chance to go see their exhibition game and she'll do well there. She'll really coach the team hard and they'll play hard. She's got a great way with people and I just think it's a great situation for her. It's also a great situation for Hartford. Those kids are lucky to have her as a coach.

C'sigs: Coach, who do you see playing the middle this year? Is Paige Sauer ready to step up? Will Kelly Schumacher be seeing more time?

Coach Auriemma: Hopefully both things are true. Hopefully Paige will step up and play a bit more than last year. She's practiced better. A lot better this preseason. And hopefully she can add a little bit to our middle and get off to the kind of start she got off to last year. But I also hope Kelly is playing a lot because that means she's playing well. Hopefully between the two of them we can get the same production we can get out of one center.

Ed Kraynak: Coach, how has Sue Bird done in her recovery from the serious knee injury last season? Also, I'm happy that you are continuing to schedule games against teams from the other large conferences. That Penn State game down in Florida should be a good matchup.

Coach Auriemma: I would say Sue is about 90 percent recovered. She's playing like her old self. You wouldn't be able to tell that she's hurt except that she gets tired at times, and that's to be excited.

As far as Penn State is concerned, we're going to continue to play all the best teams from around the country, and we're going to play Penn State.

I say that only because this is my brother-in-law asking the question and he's a Penn State grad and under the impression that Penn State is the best in every sport.

Hans: Geno, what is your average workout?

Coach Auriemma: We're generally in the two-hour range ... sometimes 2½ hours this time of year. Shea's might be longer because she's in here early doing rehab and staying late icing afterward. For most kids, about 2½ hours when you're actually on the court.

We lift three times a week and we try to do that until the season starts and then lift just twice a week.

Shea Ralph: Hi, everybody. I'm here. I just wanted to say that I think these past few weeks of practice, our team has been getting a lot better. We've gotten better everyday.

The polls have started coming out and everybody is looking at them. But we haven't said a word about them. No one. The good thing about that is that we understand what we have to do and we can't talk about it anymore -- it's time to do it.

Let's get to the questions.

Stephanie S.: Who are your favorite WNBA players and why?

Shea Ralph: My favorite players are Nykesha Sales and Rita Williams, for obvious reasons. They're great players ... and I've watched them grow and get better. They're fame has not changed them as people and I really admire that. Also, I really like Jennifer Azzi because I think she has an amazing body ... I'd like to know what her workouts are. But she hustles a lot and she makes herself better because of that.

Lauren: Shea, first off you are absolutely my FAVORITE player. I was just wondering how hard of a time you had coming back from all the ACL tears? Did you ever want to quit?

Shea Ralph: Well, I think there's definitely points where I got discouraged and I didn't know if I was going to make it back or how good I was going to be. And there was a point when I did come back where I was just awful. For about two weeks, I don't think I belonged playing college basketball at all.

But I had the support of my team and coaches and I slowly came back. I'm so happy that I've been given a second chance and a third chance to come back and play the game.

I've been given so many chances, and I'm just happy to be out on the floor.

IM4UT: Are you worried about the Lady vols?

Shea Ralph: Shoot, they've been good every year. They're great competitors and we're going to have a chance at them twice this year -- at least. But am I scared, absolutely not. We do a lot for women's basketball when we play ... the game itself is growing rapidly, and when two top teams like us play each other -- or any of the top five -- that's good for the game.

And this is the biggest rivalry out there right now.

Dave: How come Svet sat so much during the exhibition? any connection to Kennitra playing so many minutes?

Shea Ralph: Kennitra has been unreal. And it can't be easy because she is our only freshman and she doesn't have anybody to commiserate with. But a lot of us have taken her under our wings. And she knows she's going to be depended on a lot. She understands, though, that she can't play like a freshman so we can trust in her to be out there and be a presence.

As for Svet, none of us really played a lot except for KJ and Sue, and that's to get experience. It's nothing big at all. She's not hurt.

Haley: Dear Shea, how would you compare this year's team to last year's team at the beginning of the season? Good Luck this year, I hope you go all the way!!!!

Shea Ralph: In a lot of ways, we're the same team because we're the same people. But I think that in more ways, we're so different because we've learned so much and we've gotten so much experience from last year. The hardest year of basketball in my whole entire life was last year. We went through a lot of ups and downs. In the beginning we looked great, and then we got injury after injury after injury and I felt we kind of went downhill instead of uphill like you're supposed to.

But we never gave up, and as a team it's made us so much stronger.

Sharky: I'm from UConn. and you guys are da best!!! I wanted to ask who was the toughest opponent player and toughest team you guys have ever faced?

Shea Ralph: I think Semeka Randall is a great player who is tough to play against. Also, for me personally, Tamicha Jackson from La. Tech is so quick. And obviously that's not one of my strengths. But the toughest team we've played is Tennessee. La. Tech ranked up there, too, last year as well.

Husky Fan: Are you planning on coming back to play next year? I'm sure a lot of fans are hoping you are.

Shea Ralph: Yes! I'm coming back. There's no question. This program and this school have given me so much. I wouldn't leave early and I wouldn't want to leave early. I have too much fun here. Besides, who would turn down another year of college? Come on!

Katy in Ore.: Hi Shea. What was the highlight of your trip to Europe this summer? Do you have any funny stories to tell on Geno?!!!

Shea Ralph: For me it was seeing the Pope. I'm not Catholic or anything, but that was so spiritual. You hear about him and see him make all these decisions -- and he's all over the world -- and we got to listen to his address at the Vatican in Rome. That was the best part.

We also went to Paris and Venice. And oh, riding in the gondolas was cool, too.

Amanda: Shea, I think you're an incredible player and I hope that someday I can accomplish what you have. I'm a freshman in high school and I plan on trying out for my school's basketball team but I'm really nervous. Is there anything special I should try to do?

Shea Ralph: Amanda, this is the key: You've got to work hard. Before practice, during practice and after practice, work hard. And even on days off, you should find a way to get to the gym, even if it's just for 10 minutes to work on your game. If you do all that, there's almost no doubt in my mind that you'll make the team.

Shea's Biggest Fan: Shea, do you think you can lead the team to a national title? And are you thinking about the WNBA yet?

Shea Ralph: I would love to think that I could lead the team to a national championship, but I think that each individual on this team is their own leader. And in that way we help lead each other.

As for the WNBA, I'm still trying to make it here in college. I'm still trying to get my degree (exercise physiology). Also, I've learned as I've aged that I don't look ahead too far because you never know what the next day holds.

Thanks for being here. And keep watching us because we're going to be good.