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Arcade Games
 Tuesday, December 14
Send a question to Jonathan Sills
 Got a bone to pick with's resident mathematician? Think he's right on the mark? Whatever you're feeling, drop him a line and let him know.

Jonathan Sills began writing "Behind the Numbers" for in 1997, and has since covered a variety of sports ranging from baseball, basketball and football to the World Cup and the World's Strongest Man competition. His articles on mathematics and sports have been recently featured as a resource for students by the Schools of California Online Resources for Education, University of Colorado MathWeb, San Diego City Schools, Miami Museum of Science, and Math Forum Internet News. He was a Fulbright Scholar at Oxford and holds a degree in Civil Engineering and Operations Research from Princeton University.

To send your question to Mr. Sills, fill in the form below, then click the 'Submit Comment' button at the bottom of the page. Be sure to give us your e-mail address, or we'll ignore you.

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